About Me

About Me

Hey, my name’s Matt. I’m a Software Engineer, Musician, Drummer, Travel Addict, Investor, Gamer, PC Enthusiast and overall nerd in general… currently living in Norfolk in the United Kingdom, where I also grew up.

Software Engineer

I started my career as a Front-End Web Developer, then moved into a Full-Stack Software Developer role and finally to my current position of Senior Software Engineer over the past 5 years. However, I’ve had an interest in anything computers and tech for as long as I can remember.

My current professional stack revolves around everything C# / .NET including Web APIs, Razor Pages, Blazor SPA applications and Microsoft SQL Server.

However, I’m very passionate about continued learning during my free time in a personal capacity and have an interest in expanding my knowledge and skillset in OAuth2.0, OpenID Connect (OIDC), Go, Redis, GraphQL and NoSQL just to name a few.

My battlestation, sorry workstation Photo by myself of the battle.. sorry workstation

In the evenings and at the weekends I’m probably working on personal projects, trying to build up a portfolio of different applications, utilizing different technologies and techniques so that knowledge can be pulled from during my day job. Be sure to check back here as I update the site with completed projects or Blog posts. Head over to GitHub to check out my portfolio!


Despite learning to play drums almost 15 years ago (yeah, I know I don’t look that old ), I’m really not very good! Having played in many different bands across multiple genres, I settled into my comfort zone within a niche area of Alternative Rock. Most recently playing with my band Kid Luna which you can listen to on Spotify and watch our one and only music video on YouTube!

I like this photo of me a lot Photo by Tom Baines at Hatfield Forum 2017


When I’m not staring at a screen, you’ll likely find me jamming with friends or bandmates, reading a self-improvement book, travelling and visiting new places, researching and studying up on new financial investment opportunities or just chilling out and playing some games on Discord. Add me and come say hi!

I like this photo of me a lot Photo by Rachel Wood on Instagram

Start now. Get perfect later.

“Life Leverage” by Rob Moore